
Our mission is to create and develop special places; beautiful scenarios that match the lifestyle and wishes of our clients, while respecting recommended sustainability practices.

Creativity, innovation, aesthetic quality and environmental harmony are the cornerstones of Balthazar’s holistic approach to the gardens we design, in tandem with our customers.

Gardens have always played an important role in the life of people. Built over centuries for different purposes and in various styles, some are veritable masterpieces we continue to admire.

Sometimes viewed as a symbol of power and greatness, intriguing botanical repositories of curiosity and scientific purpose, or simply a domestic extension devoted to leisure pursuits, this cultivated interest in gardens is largely explained by man’s fascination with natural beauty and the appeal of controlling and perfecting creation.

At Balthazar, we’re proud to ply an ancient craft that devises, builds and cares for spaces that inspire emotions and allow us to enjoy natural beauty in our daily lives.