What We Do

Balthazar’s market approach and commercial strategy are based on the knowledge of our highly qualified teams and our staff’s experience designing gardens over the years. The synergies created with our group partners in major residential and hotel projects are an important contribution to the company’s solidity and know-how.

Balthazar works in the following areas:

  • Construction of new spaces (private, public, institutions, hotels)
  • Reconstruction / restoration of existing gardens
  • Maintenance of green spaces
  • Maintenance of interiors
  • Clearing green spaces and woodlands
  • Irrigation systems


Constructing a green space is a painstaking task that involves various stages and skills. With a professional field team and experienced staff, Balthazar is well prepared for the different growth cycles of a garden and the many challenges this process entails. Our experience epitomises the commitment and dedication we reserve for every project.

Based on a previously agreed design or project, we prepare an estimate that considers the best combination of proposed price and quality required. Next, a team of field professionals begins working, supported by highly accredited and regular suppliers.

We construct gardens designed by our own landscape architects or according to another person’s project, always bearing in mind that the aim is to create spaces that are living and dynamic complements of their surroundings.


Constructing a green space is a painstaking task that involves various stages and skills. With a professional field team and experienced staff, Balthazar is well prepared for the different growth cycles of a garden and the many challenges this process entails. Our experience epitomises the commitment and dedication we reserve for every project.

Based on a previously agreed design or project, we prepare an estimate that considers the best combination of proposed price and quality required. Next, a team of field professionals begins working, supported by highly accredited and regular suppliers.

We construct gardens designed by our own landscape architects or according to another person’s project, always bearing in mind that the aim is to create spaces that are living and dynamic complements of their surroundings.


A garden’s biodiversity requires regular maintenance, both to ensure continuity of good design and construction and to avoid devaluing initial investments.

As such, the quality of green spaces depends considerably on regular care and various tasks being completed at the right time, such as mowing and treating lawns and grasslands, weeding and tending flowerbeds, trimming hedges, pruning trees and shrubs, general clearing of gardens and surrounding pavements, plant protection treatments and fertilisation, substituting and planting, among others.

Balthazar has teams devoted exclusively to maintaining green spaces, all equipped with the proper professional and technical resources to meet our clients’ needs. Our work is scheduled on a daily, weekly or fortnightly basis, providing a comprehensive service, quality solutions, efficiency and respect for the garden’s original concept.


Despite being more protected from the elements, indoor plants shouldn’t be neglected and require constant attention.

Indoor plant maintenance tasks basically consist of tending flower beds and boxes, pruning, application of the right plant protection products, specific fertilisers, adding substrates and replacing plants, among other things.

A business area aimed primarily at the public and private business sector, as well as residential condominiums and large houses.


Clearing land doesn’t mean eliminating all vegetation but rather the proper maintenance of gardens and spaces that have been untended for some time (farms), reclassifying them as woodlands and vacant lots, based on current legislation (cf. Decree-Law no. 10/2018, 14 February – rules on clearing land for fuel management to reduce the severity of fires).


Using an automatic irrigation system saves time and facilitates rational water use. Balthazar-landscapers’ irrigation projects are based on the principle of conscious use, utilising the exact amount needed for each place, which is impossible with sustained manual irrigation.

To take full advantage of these systems, gardens are divided into different sectors, which allows us to adjust the water pressure and consumption to the needs of each plant species.

In addition to installation, Balthazar also conducts maintenance and repairs to these systems whenever necessary.